Duuh lagi semangat semangatnya belajar jadi author nih. Hehe
here's the story about how I've met my first boyfriend who turned out to be my
hubby. :)
First boyfriend??? Oke. Actually dari SD juga aq udah naksir
naksiran, well andai kata cinta monyet ga di itung ya,, Hehe .. Well first love
is different to first boyfriend thou., #Hehe ngeles.
Well, here's the thing is.., kekuatan do'a itu subhanallah
sekali yaa. Aq ga tau kenapa selalu kepikiran semacam mensugesti diri sendiri
kalo aq ingin having a serious relationship when I met the one in a perfect
Dan subhanallah, Allah denger do'a q yg ini. Bayangkan dari
SMP, SMA, kuliah bahkan saat kerja pun aq ga pernah ngalamin komitmen apapun
biarpun ada aja yang deket.
Sempat ngerasa 'there's something wrong????' Hahhahah
But then I find my self to think that is not all about me.
There's something happened for a reason right? I know by that time my two
lovely sister was not married yet. Then I said ''oo, Allah if it's really for
our best, it's ok''.
Time flies, kakak q satu persatu menemukan jodohnya.
Alhamdulillah. Saat itu, menjelang pernikahan kakak q yang ke 4, tiba2 my high
school friend yang tinggal di kota cilegon telpon aq. And then bla bla
bla.,. Then she suddenly said 'lin, aq punya temen kerja
ingin punya jodoh orang bandung' Ooo that line.,. I just keep remember that.,
Tapi awalnya biasa aja tanggepinnya. Sampeee ada email
masuk, and she send out his pic. Well I must say, he's older in that pic.
#lol.., sorry pap.., just try to be honest#. And I had some doubt. Then we
begin to sending text, called by night, and my perspective was lil bit
So on and so on. He went to bandung for the first time he
said and my friend suci accompanying him. And I still remember when his hand
was shakin'. #lol., I don't know if it was acting??#
A month since 1st met, surprisingly he said he want to meet
me again. I thought that if he doesn't want to go back then let it slip and
skip. Hehe
Then I take him to my sister house, whom held syukuran at
that time. It means that all my family was there. Hahhahah perfect timing to
'pelonco dia'.
Singkatnya, saat dia pamit Pulang, tiba tiba 'Kamu mau jadi
istri aq?' and I'm like 'what????' hold on., are you kidding??
Hari gini masih bisa yakinkah saat hanya ketemu 2 kali?
Galau mendera.....
our prewedd |
To be continued .. V^,^V